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point of distribution中文是什么意思

用"point of distribution"造句"point of distribution"怎么读"point of distribution" in a sentence


  • 调运点


  • This is the point of distribution , which may be a disk directory on the same machine that operates as the ca , or a security directory , like netscape or microsoft s active directory
  • The feeder automation ( fa ) is the most effective way to improve the reliability of distribution net so that it is the hot point of distribution network automation system ( da ) at present
  • This thesis will give a correct recognition of the innovation and changes in the distribution system and look into the function of such innovation and changes to the development of china , it ' s a new study angle . the distribution system is a combination point of distribution and system , distribution theory and practice , the distribution gap and the economic development . this thesis will bring up the author ' s new viewpoints applying the theory of the institution economics and the development economics and the study method of history analysis , system analysis and positive analysis
用"point of distribution"造句  


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